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Doctor Mike's Social Profiles

Doctor Mike

About Doctor Mike:

  • Name: Doctor Mike.
  • Wife/Girlfriend: Jennifer Lahmers.
  • Brothers & Sisters name: Dasha.
  • Birth year: November 12, 1989.
  • Origin:  Russain.
  • Birthplace: Saransk, Soviet Union [Russia].
  • Current residence: New York City, New York, U.S.
  • Education: Dr. Mike studied at the New York Institute of Technology (BS, DO).
  • Yearly income: 2 Million Dollars.
  • Hobbies: Study medicine, playing video games, makeing Youtube content, and reading books.

Doctor Mike’s Social Profile Links

A few words about Doctor Mike

Dr. Mike is an American Social Media Celebrity, Youtuber, Internet personality, and Family physician. He is a Russian, but he lives in New York City, New York, the US for his occupation. He studied at the New York Institute of Technology (BS, DO) and has run his own Youtube channel since 2016. Today he got 7.8 million subscribers on his Youtube channel. Mikhail Varshavski is mostly- known as his professional name Doctor Mike or Mike Varshavski. Dr. Mike started known to all when emphasized by the American famous Internet media called Buzzfeed. In the news published by the People’s Magazine, the headline was “The Sexiest Man Alive”. After that people started noticing him and his fame got raised. Today, Dr.Mike is famous on Youtube and other social platforms like; 4.4 million followers on Facebook,4.1 million followers on Instagram, and 297.7K on his Twitter.

Achievements List:

Awards Names and Years:

Dr. Mikle is an American social media personality, Family physician, and YouTuber. He is one of the most followed Dr. in the US. His youtube journey starts in 2016, it almost five years on this platform. And in this time, he posted a lot of content on his youtube channel. Dr. Mike earns two nominations for awards in 2018- 19, he was nominated for the shorty awards for health and wellness in 2018 and Breakout YouTuber of the Year in 2019.

We beg you, STAY!
If you leave, a kitten in the world will die

I have mercy of this little fellow