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John Christopher Depp

John Christopher Depp

About John Christopher Depp:

  • Name: John Christopher Depp
  • Birth year: June 9, 1963
  • Age: 57 
  • Origin: Depp is primarily English, but his progenitors are from France.
  • Birthplace: Owensboro, Kentucky
  • Current residence: Little Hall’s Pond Cay island in the Bahamas
  • Education: Miramar High School 


  • Fathers name: John Christopher Depp
  • Mothers name: Betty Sue Palmer
  • Brothers & Sisters name: Daniel Depp, Debbie Depp, Christi Dembrowski, and John Christopher Depp
  • Wife/Girlfriend: Lori Anne Allison
  • Children’s: Jack Depp (John Christopher Depp iii) & Lily-Rose Depp
  • Yearly income: 150 Million dollars.

Pet name: Pistol and Boo

Hobbies:  reading, playing guitar, and painting. Depp likes to read books and do some painting of his idle time. But his most favorite is playing guitar.

A few words about John Christopher Depp:

If I want to describe this person in a few words then I can say this person is a multi-Talented guy, an exciting personality with a dashing look makes him the most popular guy in the world. I hope you folks can guess who I’m talking about. It’s Johnny Depp. The full name of Johnny Depp John Cristopher Depp. Well, whenever I see him I just remember the character of that movie which is Jack Sparrow from the “Pirates of the Caribbean” movie series. Depp is continuously an Actor, Musician as well as a Producer.

Famous & Recent Movie List

There are so many movies done by Depp, so in this list, we are going to see some of his most recent top-rated movies’ names. So let’s check out the list-

Famous & Recent

  1. Pirates of the Caribbean (Full series).
  2. Alice Through the Looking Glass.
  3. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
  4. Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald.
  5. Dark Shadows.

Upcoming Movie List

  1. Untitled Pirates of the Caribbean sixth film
  2. Untitled Pirates of the Caribbean spin-off

Achievements & Awards

Awards Names and Years:

He got the Best Actor awards three times in 2004 for the Pirates of the Caribbean movie. He won his second Best Actor prize in 2005 for the movie Finding Neverland and the third one came in 2008 for the film Sweeney Todd. Not only that this person was nominated for the Golden Glove Award ten times. Depp has also won some other major awards like the BAFTA Film Awards, Academy Awards, and many more.

We beg you, STAY!
If you leave, a kitten in the world will die

I have mercy of this little fellow