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Spencer X Social Profiles

Spencer X

About Spencer X (aka Spencer Knight):

  • Name: Spencer X (aka Spencer Knight).
  • Birth year: 20th Aprile 1992.
  • Origin:  American.
  • Birthplace: Manhattan, New York, US.
  • Current residence: Manhattan, New York, US.
  • Yearly income: 5 million dollars.
  • Tiktok:

Spencer X (aka Spencer Knight) Social Profile Links

A few words about Spencer X (aka Spencer Knight)

Spencer Knight is an American Beatboxer, TikTok star, Youtuber, Social Media Personality, and internet Celebrity. He is now holding in Manhattan, New York. But he is very confidential about his information on the web. It’s really hard to collect his family member info, then his income, and other info. Spencer has a sister and her name is Gigi. He started learning to beatbox when he was a child. After that, he made videos and posted them on youtube. But later he tries other sites like TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. And Today he got 52.8 million followers on TikTok, 1.1 million followers on Instagram, 122K followers on Facebook, and 2.64 million subscribers on his Youtube Channel.

Famous & Recent Videos List

Famous Youtube & Tiktok Videos List:

Spencer x is an American TikTok Star, Youtuber, BeatBoxer, and Internet personality. He arrives for the first time on Youtube, but he felt interested in Beatbox at his early age. Then he researches and learns about it. After that, he tries to upload his short video on the internet; like Youtube. When he gatting reactions from the viewers and appreciation, so he decided to move on to other’s platforms to show his talent. He started making TikTok videos and getting more responses from the viewers. After that, he didn’t need to look back. Now let’s see some of his viral video’s;

We beg you, STAY!
If you leave, a kitten in the world will die

I have mercy of this little fellow