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Name: Jack Andraka

  • Birth year: January 8, 1997 (24 years)
  • Origin: American.
  • Birthplace: Crownsville, Maryland, U.S.
  • Current residence: Crownsville, Maryland, U.S.

Education: Jack Andraka did his high school at the North County High School and completed his higher studies at Stanford University.


  • Father’s name: Steve Andraka.
  • Mother’s name: Jane Andraka.
  • Brothers & Sisters name: Luke Andraka.

Yearly income:

Jack Andraka is an American American scientist, inventor, and cancer researcher. But he didn’t disclose his net income or we or any other places. So it can be guessed that Andraka’s income or net profit must be above more than two million.

Social Profiles:


Andraka created an economical and reactive dipstick-like sensor for the impetuous spotting of pancreatic, ovarian, and lung cancers. When his close family friend died of pancreatic cancer, Andraka became interested in finding a better early-detection diagnostic test. And all these things happen when he was fifteen years old.


Jack Andraka is an American scientist, inventor, and cancer researcher, He is also one of the youngest doctors in the world. Andraka raises his fame through the invention of a detecting device called a pancreatic cancer testing kit. Which is working like a diabatic-tasting strep. After that, he gains much appreciation also gained much criticism also. Some people reject his Invention and some welcome his invention and wanted to study it more for future use.

Achievements List:

Awards Names and Years: In 2021, Andraka is an American scientist, inventor, and cancer researcher at the age of 24. But in this short time, he just gets a number of awards and achievements. Like the Gordon E. Moore Award in 2012. Then Smithsonian Magazine American Ingenuity Award in the same year. After that, he won fourth place in Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in 2013. In 2014 National Jefferson Award Recipient, of Samuel S. Beard Award and he wins the Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation Coca-Cola Scholar in 2015.

We beg you, STAY!
If you leave, a kitten in the world will die

I have mercy of this little fellow