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Sho Yano

Sho Yano

About Sho Yano:

  • Name: Sho Yano
  • Birth year: October 22, 1990 [30 years]
  • Origin: American.
  • Birthplace: Portland, Oregon, United States.

Current residence: 

Education: Sho Yano was going to the Mirman School like a child. He got his graduation at the age of nine from the American School of Correspondence and at the same time he attends Loyola University Chicago. When Yano was twelve,  he was doing his graduation on summa cum laude. After that, he was admitted to the Pritzker School of Medicine at the University of Chicago in MSTP and those who wanted to do a Ph.D. or MD.


  • -Father’s name: Katsura Yano.
  • -Mother’s name: Kyung Yano.
  • -Brothers & Sisters name: Sayuri Yano.
  • -Wife/Girlfriend (if applicable)
  • -Children’s (if applicable)

Yearly income: Sho Yano is also one of them who doesn’t interested to share their earning info on the web or others. But in his position, we can guess his earnings and it can be around one to five million dollars every year.

Sho Yano Social Profile Links

A few words about Sho Yano

Sho Timothy Yano is an American mostly known as Soho Yano. he is an American physician. He was born in 1993 and right now he is now holding in the US. Yano has a younger sister Sayuri Yano. She is also talented like his brother. Sayuri gets his first graduation when he was nine. Then he got the tag line which is real-life Doogie Howser at that time he was studying at the University of Chicago. All these make him one of the youngest doctors in the world.

Achievements List: In 2009, when Yano in their second year of medical school at the University of Chicago, he was the youngest person who got the graduation an MD from the University of Chicago, because of why he has been called a “real-life Doogie Howser”. He turning as a pediatric neurology resident at the University of Chicago.

Achievements List:

Awards Names and Years:

For his intelligence and dedication to his studies he achieves an award when he was eighteen. In 2009 He got a doctorate in molecular genetics and cell biology.

We beg you, STAY!
If you leave, a kitten in the world will die

I have mercy of this little fellow