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Wendy Sue Swanson Social Profiles

Wendy Sue Swanson

About Wendy Sue Swanson:

  • Name: Wendy Sue Swanson
  • Origin:  American.
  • Birthplace: Minnesota, United States.
  • Current residence: Wisconsin, United States..
  • Education: Swanson did her MBE degree from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 
  • Yearly income: Wendy Sue Swanson’s net worth isn’t revealed by her officially but it could imagine that her net worth is 1 million to 5 million dollars at least.

Wendy Sue Swanson Social Profile Links

A few words about Wendy Sue Swanson

Wendy Sue Swenson is an American pediatrician, lecturer, and writer. She has two sons and lives in Wisconsin, United States. Swanson’s is also the official spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics or in short AAP. She is mostly known for her blog called Seattle Mama Doc. Wendy is also the make lead for the Virtual hand. Which makes it easier for parents to learn more about their health and doctors also treat them well. She also founded that the use of social media platforms can help to grow and develop the health care community.

Achievements List:

Awards Names and Years:

Awards Names and Years: Wendy Sue Swanson is an American pediatrician, instructor, and writer. She working professionally for a long time in this field. In this time, she earns many achievements and awards for her hard work. Now It’s time to look at them; in 2012 Swanson’s get The CDC Childhood Immunization Champion Award, which is also considered an innovation by the CDC because of the first variation. She also gets first ranked of TIME Magazine’s Best Twitter Feeds of 2013, and the Healthcare Internet Hall of Fame Innovative Individual Inductee in 2014. That’s the achievements of Wendy Sue Swanson.

We beg you, STAY!
If you leave, a kitten in the world will die

I have mercy of this little fellow